French Days - Thés de la Pagode

French Days - Thés de la Pagode

Go wild for the French Days! Take advantage of discounts of up to 40% off a wide selection of organic teas and infusions. Hurry, it’s running until 10th May only!

9 product(s)
Hao Ling
Pu-erh tea helps regulate cholesterol
Detox du Levant
Nettle, rosemary, and mint-based herb...
Chun Cha
Grand cru green tea rich in antioxidants
Lyn Don
Oolong tea with guava helps maintain ...
Green tea with jasmine, ginkgo biloba...
Sou Tsian
Oolong tea with draining and detoxify...
Green, Mate & Guarana tea to aid ...
Spiced "boost" tea with ginger, cinna...